Tuesday, February 17, 2009

3 vs 3 UM League

hey fellow Floorballers,

Out of a burst of sudden short message service (SMS) from Song Sing, our "Thing", came a 3 on 3 UM league. How? why? when? what? which? Do not worry of fret as the precious info is out here!

What? : UM league-"lah" what else!
When? : Starting from 26th of February 09 onwards (Every Thursday)
Time? : 6pm onwards
Where?: University Malaya-"lah" why else its called UM!
How? : Faster form a group of 4 players, ( all dudes, all gurls, rojak) [3 players, 1 sub]
Why ? : You'll know when we know.. (joking)

All team's info must and fast be given to Song Sing @ 016-9695650. Remember it's not a singing league. Don't sing to Song!...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Semester break

Dear all salibandy!Co's players, this month is semester break for the diploma students. So, there are no any training for this month. Training will be continue next month. The player of the 2nd semester is Andrian Ravin, a player that made in Malaysia. Further details about this player will be updated in the next post.

Malaysia vs India

One of our player, Alvin has been selected to join national team. Congratulation! On 5th of December, there is a friendly match between Malaysia team and India team.
Before the match

End of the match
On 5th of Nov 2008, Alvin, Alice and Song Sing have attended a coaching course in University Malaya. The coach that have been coaching us for the whole course is the national coach from Switzerland, which is the handsome guy stand beside Song Sing.
This course is also attended by a few famous player from Singapore. Here are some of them. This course is truly memorable and we have learned a lot from it, ball's drilling, passing and many more.

The Salibandians' championship league

On 23 October 2008, the Salibandy!Co had a championship league in University Malaya's floorball court. This is the champion team! Congratulation!