Lets put your floorball sticks together to welcome the newiest in the family!
Lead by Gerard and Edwin Wong, GraceBandy!Co was form on the 14th June 2009, 5pm. This floorball club is form by the youth from Grace Church, Shah Alam. The youth are known as B.O.M.B. ---> Bunch Of Mighty Believers!

floorball training on that day, during the game
session, they played really well, with courage and
speed, they even managed to give the senior
players a tough time. A lot managed to pick up
the sport very fast!
Event: FloorbaLL

Time: 5pm - 7pm
Venue: USJ4 Public Futsal Cage
With a nice and "more smooth that TARC" futsal
court, it's a great place to play floorball. God's
blessing was seen on that day as the cloud
became dark, and rain started to drop, but the
wind took all the dark clouds away and allowed us to have a clear sky to have this first floorball

Lets give our full support to this newly team. If
you're staying any where near Shah Alam, or far
from Shah Alam, just grab your stick and head to
USJ4 to join GraceBandy!Co. I promised that
you'll enjoy it!
Gerard says:" come for a gut wrenching and heart pumping time of shedding fat and body toning with floorball. You'll love it. Guranteed!".