Monday, April 30, 2012

SFL Match Day 14 - Salibandy!Co vs GMI WhiteKnights

Date: 28th April 2012
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Venue: Puchong Rakan Muda

Goallie: Serb
Defenders: Ricky, Kel Sern, and Song Sing
Center: Terence and Alvin
Forwards: Daniel, Alice, Joe and James

Captain: Daniel

1st Period: Salibandy!Co 1 - GMI WhiteKnights 1
2nd Period: Salibandy!Co 4 - GMI WhiteKnights 1
3rd Period: Salibandy!Co 11 - GMI WhiteKnights 3

Match summary:

GMI WhiteKnights had been improving tremandously, and they even won against Gang Bintang in their previous match. Our last encounter with GMI WhiteKnights early in the season ended in a draw (almost lost the match!) Our mistake at that time was that we under-estimated our opponents.

No more mistakes this round as we fully respect the ability of our opponents, and true enough, we played good floorball. Although GMI scored the first goal, but I think we were already too used to conceeding goals first that we was able to remain calm and just play normal floorball. Slowly by slowly our goals started to flow in later in the match.

Special thanks to Joe and James who answered our emergency call where we originally did not have enough players for that match. Congratz to James for scoring his 1st and 2nd goals for Salibandy!Co. Wish you all the best as you continue to focus in your studies!

Serb was on superb form as well keeping a clean-sheet during the 2nd period!

Points to note:
1) We played with a simple rule where we attacked together as a team and defence together as a team. Great job!

2) In the 2nd period our defenders were finding it hard to pass the ball to the forwards because our forwards were not running into empty space and away from opponents. After the team-talk, I think we did much better on this area.

3) We only started to score more goals during 2nd and 3rd period mainly because we started to pass the ball more often=)

Man-Of-The-Match: Kel Sern - not because he lost his Salming stick after the match, but because of defending awesomely and controling the ball superbly to build-up our attacks from bottom.

~2 minutes silent for the lost of his Salming Sniper, Quest blade~

Saturday, April 21, 2012

SFL Match Day 13 - Salibandy!Co vs Subang Rascals

Date: 21st April 2012
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Venue: Rakan Muda Puchong

Starting line-up:
Goallie: Serb
Defenders: Kel Sern, Song Sing and Ricky
Centers: Alvin / Terence
Forwards: Isaac Boo, Colin, Daniel Phang

1st period: Salibandy!Co 3 - Subang Rascals 4
2nd Period: Salibandy!Co 3 - Subang Rascals 8
3rd Period: Salibandy!Co 4 - Subang Rascals 11

Captain: Daniel Phang

Before the match started, we saw players such as Sjaiful, Dennis, Kamal, SASI!!!, etc etc... coming into the court. Although such big names are playing against us, but we did not put in to fear, but we still gave them a tough game.

Salibandy!Co played a 50% defense game. We manage to open the scoring as Daniel took advantage of a mistake by Sjaiful right in-front of the goal-post and scoring pass Sue. Subang later on got back an equalizer, but again Salibandy!Co manage to score one more to make the score 2-1. And yet again Subang equalized it, but again Salibandy!Co scored our 3rd goal by Isaac Boo! Although leading by 3-2 at that moment, Subang Rascals proved to be a more experience and skillful team, where they slowly chase back the scores and finally took the lead against us. Serb was on-form today as he made a lot of superb saves!

Our 4th goal at the 3rd period was one of the best as the Rascal's goallie made a superb double safes to deny 2 shots from us, but when the ball falls to Colin, he took the 3rd shot and scored pass Sue!!! Another superb goal was from our coach, doing an air-hook and scoring at the high-end of the goal-post.

Although our coach was our opponent at that time, he was still giving us some guidelines as how to defend and so on.

Our previous match against the Rascals was 13 - 5, and this time our score was 11 - 4. Little improvement, but this shows that in future, we're gonna do much better.

Match analysis:
Most of the time when our defenders have the ball, our only chance of attacking was to hit the ball far up to the opponent's court and hope our forwards are able to get the ball to attack. Once we loss the ball, everyone would fall back to defense position.

Our problem was that we did not have the ability to build-up the attack from defense to forward as our opponents was pressuring us at 80-90%. This would require us to train much harder on ball control, passing and positioning to be able to build-up attacks.

Conclusion: Good game, but could have done more damage to the Rascals if we had pass more and try to control the game.

Friday, April 20, 2012

SFL Match Day 12 - Bangi Rusty Blade vs Salibandy!Co

Date: 14th April 2012
Time: 8pm to 10pm
Venue: Rakan Muda Puchong

Starting line-up:
Goallie: Colin
Defenders: Kel Sern, Ricky and Song Sing
Centers: Alvin / Terence
Forwards: Terence, Daniel, Alice and Isaac Boo

1st Period: Bangi Rusty Blade 1 - Salibandy!Co 3
2nd Period: Bangi Rusty Blade 3 - Salibandy!Co 5
3rd Period: Bangi Rusty Blade 5 - Salibandy!Co 7

Captain: Daniel Phang

The match started with 3 early goals from Salibandy!Co contributed by Terence and Daniel in the 1st period. Straight after the 3rd goal, Bangi started their full press and manage to get a goal before the 1st period ended.

The match was much similar for the 2nd and 3rd period where Bangi score a goal, Salibandy!Co would also score one back to maintain a 2 goals lead. Difference is, 2nd and 3rd period was much more challlenging in terms of physical and mentally.

With Bangi pushing 100% press, our defenders did well to absord their pressures and to realise the ball to our forwards for counter-attacks. Our goallie also did well in catching long range shots and making a lot of decent saves.

Match analysis:

In evaluating the 5 goals that Bangi scored. 2 of the goals was due to our own mistakes and could have been prevented.

1) One of the goal scored by Bangi was from a free-hit near our goalpost. Our mistake was we felt that the referee decision was wrong and all our forwards kept on complaining about the wrong decision and did not form a wall and did not man-mark. Well, the opponents took full advantage and played the ball fast to their forward which was un-guard and he scored.

Once a referee makes a decision, he/she most likely won't change their decision. Plus, according to floorball rules, free hits can be taken at anytime, thus, we do not / cannot have time to complain.

2) Another of our mistake was when we had a free hit near opponent's goalpost. Mistake was that our defenders were too up in our opponent's area. When our forwards took the shot and it rebounded on the opponents, they took the ball and manage to out run our defenders and had a one on one with the goallie to score the goal.

For free hits in our halfs, then our defenders would take the free hits. As for free hits near opponent's goal, then forwards will take the hit. At the same time, our defenders should maintain a proper distance to prevent opponent from counter-attack.


One area that we had done well, not prefect, but good enough was that we had manage to remain calm even when opponents were very physical and even when referees makes a decision, it may not always favour us. So no matter what the referee decides, we still need to play on and complete the game.

One Team One Way

Thursday, April 12, 2012

SFL Match Day 11 - GMI BlackWings vs Salibandy!Co

Date: 7th April 2012
Time: 8pm to 10pm
Venue: Puchong Rakan Muda

Starting line-up:
Goalkeeper: Colin
Defenders: Isaac Kong, Ricky, Kel Sern and Song Sing
Centers: Alvin and Keenan
Forwards: Daniel Phang, Terence, Vincent, Alice and Isaac Boo

Captain: Daniel Phang

1st Period: GMI BlackWings 4 - Salibandy!Co 1
2nd Period: GMI BlackWings 4 - Salibandy!Co 4
3rd Period: GMI BlackWings 5 - Salibandy!Co 8

Match analysis:

GMI BlackWings had been improving tremendously throughout this league, and true enough we were given a shock by this new team. Conceding 4 goals in the first period, and then going through a fight-back to win the game sounds too familiar to us already. Good thing is we have the never give-up attitude, bad thing is "what if" we're unable to fight-back? Thank God for the strength once again to come-back with a victory.

On the other hand, looking at the young and rising players of Salibandy!Co, you guys really did show improvement from match to match. It's ok if you guys find it difficult to score, it takes time, hard work and lot's of training and match experience before you have that "killer instinct".

I hope everyone remembers what Sasi ask us to do at home? Train yourself on ball dribbling/control and passing, shooting for at least 30 minutes daily. There's no short-cut to success.

Now that TARC exam is over. Wishing you guys a happy short holiday=)