Date: 10th February 2012
Time: 9pm to 11pm
Venue: Puchong Court
Second training session saw an increase in attendance, which is great! Because the more players we have in training, the more stronger our club will be. It's like investment. The more everyone invest in training, the more our club will benefit, and yourself also will definely benefit.
As usual, everyone started with warm-up before coach arrived. Which is good casue it would safe us more time for drills.
Training 1: Same as last week's training 1. (pls refer to Team Training - Session 1 - Training 1)
Training 2: With a player (P1) standing with a cone in the middle, another player (P2) stands at the left and another player (P3) stands at the right. P1 would pass the ball to P2, when p2 receives the ball and with proper EYE CONTACT, P1 would make a fake to one direction and then runs to the other direction to receive the ball from P2. P2 needs to be alert (eye contact) to know where to pass the ball.
After P1 does the fake and receive the ball from P2, P1 will bring the ball back to the cone at the middle and now pass it to P3 and does the same drill again with P3.
Training 3: This drill consist of a player standing behind the goal-post (P1) and all other players standing at the middle court by the side (P2).
P2 starts with the ball at middle court, then shouts to P1 to "fake". P1 makes a fake to one direction and runs to the other direction to receive the ball. When P1 makes the fake, P2 would pass the ball to P1 and then P1 will pass the ball back to P2 for P2 to make a shot on goal.
After P2 makes the shot, P2 will replace P1's position behind the goal-post.
Important notes: Always keep the blade on the ground to prepare to shot. Ground passes are important for players to receive and pass the ball properly which will result in a good shot / goal.
Training 4: This drill consists of 4 attacking players (F4) and 2 defending players (D2) and a goallie.
F4 will pass the ball around to each other while D2 will try to prevent those passes. Objective of the drill is to make 10 complete passes, do a fake to receive the ball and shot on goal.
Important note:
(a) When passing the ball, always keep yourself away from the defenders. Pass the ball to wide areas.
(b) When making a pass, give your BEST pass, so you can confirm that your teammate is able to receive the ball and thus able to pass back the ball to you.
(c) After the 10 passes are complete, you'll need to be patient to create oppurcunities to take a shot.
Quate of the day by coach Sasi:Subang Rascals are like Michael Jordan, Salibandy!Co are like babies. If Subang losses, Subang will feel ashame. But if Sali losses, there's nothing to be ashame. Therefore, go in the match without fear.
If baby tries to run against Michael Jordan, baby will get injured. So don't run, but craw. Do what you're good at during match, don't do new things which you are not yet good at.
Keep to the basics we've learn and we'll be fine during game.
And finally, pray to the Lord!